Thursday, September 20, 2012

Q & A Time

Lots of people have been asking a bunch of the same questions. I thought it would be good to go ahead and answer some of these questions here and if you don't see the question that you have then comment below and I will answer that one too because most likely someone else has the exact same question!

Question: "What agency are you using?"
Answer: We have some friends that used AWAA (American World Adoption Agency) and had a very good experience. We have filled out information for them already and have spoken with a couple people from their office and have had a great experience so far. I am really looking forward to working with them for the next couple of years. I highly recommend them! They do both international and domestic adoptions.

Question: "Why international over domestic?"
Answer: We looked at both options and really felt God pulling us toward international adoption.

Question: "Why Russia?"
Answer: We were looking at a couple of countries (Russia, Ethiopia, and Brazil). We met the age and marriage limits for all of these countries. We were super interested in the Brazil program but then found out that all of the kids are older and way out of the age range that we are looking for. It was just Russia and Ethiopia left. After that it was a pretty easy choice. Stephanie has been to Ukraine on missions trips before and the culture between Ukraine and Russia is pretty similar. So it seemed to be the most obvious choice!

Question: "Do you have specifics that you are looking for in the child?" (i.e. gender, age, special needs, etc.)
Answer: This answer may seem really vague but we are leaving it all up to God. First, we have to be approved by our homestudy for ages and quantity. Then we have to see what is available in Russia. We would really love a girl but I am completely content with a boy. We would love a sibling group but are completely ok with just one. We are really relying on God and His faithfulness to guide us through our adoption.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Please share our blog and FB page with all of your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, you probably don't remember me, but I recognize you from CBC years ago. Since then, my husband and I adopted our first child. I LOVE adoption. It is amazing, wonderful, beautiful, and the most emotional experience of our lives thus far. God provided miraculously and showed His mighty hand many many times. We would love to adopt again in the future. Ours was domestic, but international tugs at my heart. I have been following the story of a family adopting from Ethiopia right now and the descriptions of babies in orphanages is almost more than my heart can take! Anyway - just wanted to say hello and encourage you in your journey. Have you read the book by Russell Moore, Adopted for Life? It is a great one, not really an adoption handbook (though there is a lot of helpful info), but more an overview of why adoption is so special and the spiritual significance of it all. I look forward to following your story!
    Zoe Howard


Please leave any words of encouragement that you may have for us. Thanks for visiting our blog and joining us on this journey.